Call for applications – Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program


Dedicated to international exchange, the National Endowment for Democracy‘s Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program offers five-month fellowships to leading democracy activists, journalists, and scholars from around the world.  During their time in residence at NED’s International Forum for Democratic Studies, fellows reflect on their experiences and consider lessons learned; conduct independent research and writing; engage with colleagues and counterparts in the United States; and build ties with a global network of democracy advocates.

The Program is designed to help activists, practitioners, scholars, and journalists deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change. The program is intended primarily to support individuals from developing and aspiring democracies. A working knowledge of English is required. Applicants on the practitioner track are typically mid-career professionals with several years of professional experience in the field of democracy and human rights. There are no specific degree requirements.

Applicants interested in the scholarly track are expected to possess a doctorate (a PhD or academic equivalent) at the time of application, to have a proven record of publications in their field, and to have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project.

The forum hosts sixteen to twenty fellows per year. Each fellow receives a monthly stipend for living expenses, health insurance, and reimbursement for travel.

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program encourages qualified candidates to apply or share this call for applications with other democracy advocates.

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