Category: Asia

Pandemic represents ‘high-water mark’ for brittle authoritarian model’s appeal?


It is quite possible that the coronavirus pandemic will represent the high-water mark for the appeal of the authoritarian model and of its two standard-bearers, China and Russia, according to… Read more »

Hong Kong democrats ‘left reeling’ by China’s power grab


Pro-democracy activists have called for mass protests against what they see as erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy entailed in a proposed national security law to ban “treason, secession, sedition and… Read more »

‘Beijing’s Mask Diplomacy’ rewriting the narrative


The implications of the Covid-19 pandemic are “potentially monumental” for China, but the ruling Communist Party’s leader, Xi Jinping has seized on the crisis as an opportunity in disguise. And… Read more »

COVID-19 highlights democracies’ cohesion or confusion?


As the World Health Assembly (WHA), the decision making body of the World Health Organization, gathers virtually today for its annual conference, more than 120 countries have signed a draft… Read more »

Democracy vs Authoritarianism Under COVID-19


Movements and regimes inspired by liberal ideals are increasingly finding themselves on the defensive in a world increasingly vulnerable to authoritarian mischief, notes analyst Brian Stewart. Although excessive centralization is… Read more »

‘Too soon, too loud’: China’s Wolf Warrior diplomacy is backfiring


Leading Chinese scholars and foreign policy advisers have taken aim at the country’s “Wolf Warrior” diplomats and state media, saying their efforts to defend Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic are backfiring…. Read more »

Cementing the ‘building blocks’ of a China strategy


Neither China nor America seeks war, surely. But they are deliberately hurtling toward economic separation — The Economist (@TheEconomist) May 8, 2020 You might have hoped that a pandemic would… Read more »

Great Power Competition: Will pandemic give democracies advantage?


Democracy was in retreat, and autocrats were on the march, before the coronavirus appeared, notes analyst Ruchir Sharma. To contain it, leaders of all political styles have assumed previously unthinkable… Read more »