Category: Asia

Global struggle for democracy ‘lacking leadership’


The past twelve months registered the 14th consecutive year of decline in global freedom, according to Freedom in the World 2020, the latest survey of political rights and civil liberties… Read more »

How authoritarian regimes made coronavirus outbreak worse


The coronavirus spread from China, but the ruling Communist Party doesn’t want the world spreading it back, notes Anna Fifield. China’s Communist Party appears mindful that other governments might lack the… Read more »

Stand with North Korean victims


The South Korean government should re-engage on promoting accountability for human rights abuses in North Korea, according to a coalition of rights-oriented groups, including partners of the National Endowment for… Read more »

Democratic rights popular but commitment not so robust


While democracy remains a popular idea globally, average citizens’ commitment to democratic principles is not consistently robust, according to a new 34-nation Pew Research Center survey. Overwhelming majorities say the… Read more »

How democratic Taiwan outperformed authoritarian China on coronavirus outbreak


Taiwan’s example proves that the free flow of information is the best treatment for the coronavirus outbreak, analyst Victor (Lin) Pu writes for The Diplomat:  …..Even though Taiwan has not… Read more »

What’s causing democratic disillusion?


The Mongolian government’s failure to address critical issues such as increasing socioeconomic inequality and corruption has fueled growing frustration, populist sentiments, and widespread disillusionment with democracy. In response to the… Read more »

China launches counteroffensive in the war of ideas


For China’s one party-state, the West’s promotion of liberal democracy is part of an ideological struggle led by an adversary that is still vastly superior, a situation that Chinese strategists… Read more »

R.I.P. Vietnamese dissident Nobel Prize nominee Thich Quang Do


Thich Quang Do, a dissident Buddhist monk who has effectively been under house arrest since 2003 and was nominated multiple times for the Nobel Peace Prize, has died. Head of… Read more »

Challenging China’s false narrative on Tibet


  Please join the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and its partners for the historic international launch of a landmark report on the status of Tibet under International law,… Read more »