Search Results for: liberal order

Contentious narratives: Russia’s ‘shopping list of subversion’ exposed


Russian attempts to fuel dissent and spread disinformation have been exposed by a cache of leaked documents that show what the Kremlin is prepared to pay for hacking, propaganda and… Read more »

Democratization of information empowers hostile states and non-state actors


A major foundation will commit $10 million over the next two years toward addressing the challenges that digital disinformation poses for democracy. Focusing primarily on the role of social media, the… Read more »

Is Russia part of a new ‘axis of evil’?


Newly-appointed National Security adviser John Bolton laid out his proposed strategy to respond to Russia’s “unacceptable” meddling in the 2016 presidential election and to Russian aggression around the world, speaking last month… Read more »

West & Russia on brink of new Cold War?


There’s a fundamental flaw in the Russian propaganda narrative about the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the U.K. earlier this month, Bloomberg’s Leonid Bershidsky writes:… Read more »

After Egypt’s election charade, what next?


Turnout appeared low on Tuesday as Egyptians voted on the second day of an election that President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi is virtually certain to win, after all serious rivals were either… Read more »

Has U.S. lost its ‘power of inspiration’ as a model of democracy?


The violent collapse of the Arab Spring has damaged the cause of liberal politics not just in the Middle East, but around the world. Strongman leaders are back in fashion… Read more »

Existential risk to civil society in ‘skillfully veiled authoritarian’ Hungary


Hungary’s illiberal leader has built what Paul Lendvai in his new book, “Orbán,” calls a “skillfully veiled authoritarian system,” notes James Kirchick, a visiting fellow at the Center on the… Read more »

Democracy under pressure: polarization and repression increasing worldwide


The quality of worldwide democracy and governance has fallen to its lowest level in 12 years, with much of the decline occurring in free societies where some governments rule with… Read more »

Fear and freedom: is Western democracy in danger?


Could democracy die in the US? Is a new wave of authoritarianism sweeping the world? Is the west about to be engulfed by civil conflict? FT columnist Gideon Rachman asks:… Read more »

Can Saudi Arabia help win ‘Islam’s War of Ideas’?


Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in Washington, D.C., March 19-22, the third stop on his first foreign trip as crown prince, notes the Project on Middle East Democracy: Mohammed… Read more »