Search Results for: liberal order

Enlightenment Now: Is democracy winning or losing the global contest?


  Liberal democracy “is where the world was, not where it is going,” said US senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. By the end of the year, we should be able to… Read more »

Xi’s ‘dictator-for-life’ move could harm China’s sharp power


The surprise disclosure on Sunday that the Communist Party was abolishing constitutional limits on presidential terms — effectively allowing President Xi Jinping to lead China indefinitely — was the latest and arguably… Read more »

Evolving Terror: how to roll back innovative jihadists’ ‘toxic ideologies’


It was a quarter of a century ago this week, on February 26, 1993, when a group of jihadist terrorists, some of whom had trained in Afghanistan, tried to bring down the… Read more »

Does democracy catalyze destructive dynamics of political tribalism?


American politics today has as much in common with the developing world as it does with Europe, according to Yale University’s Amy Chua. Time and again, vote-seeking demagogues with few… Read more »

‘Oligarch-infested kleptocracy’? Ukraine’s corruption undermining democratic prospects


  By pumping so much money through the hands of Ukrainian officials and businessmen — often the same people — the surge in military spending has held back efforts to… Read more »

Principled realism: National Security Strategy ‘prudently’ advances democratic values


THE HALLMARK of the Trump administration’s National Security Strategy (NSS), which was released in December, is the idea of “principled realism.” This marks a decided shift from the policies of Trump’s two… Read more »

West must address vulnerabilities to China’s authoritarian influencing


China’s rapidly increasing political influencing efforts and the self-confident promotion of its authoritarian ideals present a fundamental challenge to western democracies, analysts Thorsten Benner and Kristin Shi-Kupfer write for The… Read more »

Majoritarianism or populism the biggest threat to democracy?


Hope that the populist wave had peaked appears misplaced, argues Joshua Kurlantzick, a senior fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. Over the next two years, populists… Read more »

How to counter China and Russia’s game of distortion


  In the immediate aftermath of the horrific mass shooting at a Florida high school on Wednesday, an army of fake accounts began pumping out disinformation on Twitter using the #ParklandShooting hashtag, Wired reports,… Read more »