Search Results for: liberal order

Authoritarian Advance: Responding to China’s Growing Political Influence


Two new studies suggest that Europe’s embrace of China, even as it warns against Russian meddling, might benefit from a certain degree of wariness. When it comes to Beijing, they argue,… Read more »

China’s sharp power makes democracies ‘look like strategic amateurs’


Has China’s sharp power offensive left the West’s democracies looking ‘like strategic amateurs’? An opinion piece by Chinese media outlet Caixin Global is touting the idea of “globalism with Chinese… Read more »

Russian trolls ‘only part of the disinformation problem’


Russian agents created 129 events on the social media network during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, according to Facebook’s testimony to Congress, shedding more light on Russia’s purported disinformation drive… Read more »

Digital deceit: waging war with disinformation


There is nothing new about either fake news or Russian disinformation campaigns. Back in 1983, at the height of the cold war, an extraordinary story appeared in a little-known pro-Soviet… Read more »

Kremlin must face consequences for interference & disinformation


Russia must face far stronger consequences for its electoral interference and disinformation operations, according to Philip Gordon and Robert Blackwill, senior fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations and veterans… Read more »

With democracy on the defensive, time for U.S. to ‘re-enter the fight’


With democracy on the defensive, America is missing in action, argues Brookings analyst William Galston. The latest Freedom House survey of global freedom (see below) notes “the accelerating withdrawal of… Read more »

A new front in Russia’s information warfare? Validity of Western democracy is primary target


  Russia is working on defensive measures to prepare for possible new sanctions from the United States and other countries, the Kremlin said on Wednesday, Reuters reports: U.S. and EU… Read more »