Search Results for: liberal order

Democracy’s competitive advantage – the ability to renew itself


Democracy’s ability to renew itself, to “put aside the habit of taking itself for granted,” gives confidence in democracy’s ultimate victory, said Thomas Mann, whose essay on “The Coming Victory… Read more »

Cambodia’s Descent: ruling party was ‘never committed to genuine democratic process’


  The United States has called on Cambodia to reverse steps that “backtracked on democracy” before a general election next year, Reuters reports: “We are advising that these steps that… Read more »

Merits and limits to democracy promotion in the Middle East


To advocate true democracy in the Arab world is a tough sell at the best of times. In the wake of the “Arab Spring,” a half-decade that witnessed some of… Read more »

Beijing’s sharp power proves China won’t become ‘more like us’


The downfall of a prominent Australian lawmaker is fueling a growing sense of unease about Chinese influence in the country’s domestic affairs, and raising tensions with its most important trading… Read more »

Relative moralism: is the U.S. still promoting democracy?


Does the U.S. administration’s decision to restrict visas for Cambodians engaged in “undermining democracy” in the Southeast Asian nation validate the Economist’s observation that it’s not necessary  “to have clear… Read more »

China’s ‘sharp power’ obscures ‘cultural genocide’ in Tibet


China’s growing power projection in the fields of media, education, and political values and ideas is sometimes called soft-power. But a study of rising authoritarian influence, released today by the… Read more »

Tillerson criticizes Russia’s use of hybrid warfare ‘to undermine Western institutions’


  U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today criticized “Russia’s continued use of hybrid warfare” and its attempts “to undermine Western institutions” in a reference to the mix of state-sponsored… Read more »

China’s Solitary Development Model – ‘fundamentally deficient, not easily reproducible’


Chinese President Xi Jinping may be consolidating his power following the 19th Party Congress, because he believes China is facing its most challenging period, a U.S. analyst said Monday, UPI reports: Andrew… Read more »

Russia ‘brazenly assaulting foundations of Western democracy’: how to counter Kremlin’s information warfare


The Kremlin-backed Russian Internet Research Agency operated dozens of Twitter accounts masquerading as local American news sources that collectively garnered more than half-a-million followers, Bloomberg’s Selina Wang reports: More than 100… Read more »

China’s ‘sharp power’ quietly reshaping opinion and policy abroad


Australia’s Prime Minister today attacked Opposition Leader Bill Shorten for visiting a Chinese billionaire’s home to ask for donations, according to reports. Foreign interference in Australian politics has become a… Read more »