Search Results for: liberal order

Combatting kleptocracy? Why nondemocratic states can’t deliver on corruption


Targeted, personal sanctions aimed at oligarchs create a genuine problem for Vladimir Putin’s hold on power, notes analyst Natalie Nougayrède. Russia is an authoritarian kleptocracy. The elite’s loyalty to the… Read more »

Beware Russian elephant: Kremlin using fake news to confuse the West


Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet, says the company is working to ferret out Russian propaganda from Google News after facing criticism that Kremlin-owned media sites had been given plum… Read more »

‘Quad’ of democracies vs. China: a new clash of civilizations?


The resumption of talks on the “quadrilateral” strategic initiative between the US, Australia, Japan and India is a shot across the bows of China. It has more than a whiff of… Read more »

Mobilizing youth adds momentum to democratic renewal


A new international youth movement would bring energy and momentum to efforts to realize The Prague Appeal for Democratic Renewal, a leading democracy advocate told last week’s Zagreb Youth Summit… Read more »

Midwives or gravediggers? The military’s impact on democracy


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has cracked down on dissidents by force and run roughshod over the country’s democratic institutions. Maduro has handpicked cronies to head a constituent assembly to rewrite… Read more »

The End of the End of History? What Is To Be Done?


  Is it time to declare the end of the end of history? Are we witnessing the exhaustion, or tragic collapse, of the once-vital liberal tradition that supported our politics,… Read more »

Russia struggles with legacy of 1917 – the ‘first color revolution’


Red flag-draped rallies in Moscow marked the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution on Tuesday. But despite the demonstrations, the crimes of the past and faded memories have made some… Read more »

Democratic renewal must address shifts in West’s political culture


Political scientists have long contended that culture matters to the formation and consolidation of democracy. But efforts to renew democracy and challenge authoritarianism will need to pay closer attention to… Read more »

A foreign policy for advancing democracy


The debate about American foreign policy has always divided along two dimensions. How close in or far out should America protect its security? And for what moral or political purpose… Read more »

Democracies need ‘different narrative’ to counter populists and autocrats’ soft power


After the Chinese Communist party’s celebratory 19th congress, which ended last week, some observers proclaimed Xi Jinping a new emperor, notes Harvard University’s Joseph Nye: Mr Xi, for his part,… Read more »