Search Results for: democratic recession

Illiberal democracy’s ‘existential threat’ to values and institutions


There is no democracy without liberty, and “illiberal democracy” poses an existential threat to European values and institutions, according to a new analysis. Popular discontent is fueled by a pervasive… Read more »

Is liberal democracy resilient enough to confront current challenges?


Democracy is “not a one-way street,” and democratic nations can fall back into authoritarianism, according to Mike Abramowitz, president of Freedom House, and Sanford School Dean Judith Kelley. They joined moderator… Read more »

From exporting democracy to importing illiberalism?


In our work on hybrid or competitive authoritarian regimes, we show how democracy can be fundamentally compromised even without obvious civil liberties violations or electoral fraud, say analysts Lucan Ahmad Way and… Read more »

Civic technology: defending democracy in the digital age


  Unless we take action, chatbots could seriously endanger our democracy, and not just when they go haywire, notes Jamie Susskind, a past fellow of Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet… Read more »

‘Bipartisan and nonpartisan vision’ for advancing democracy


The MEP tasked with setting the European Parliament’s position on the EU’s planned support for NGOs has proposed a billion-euro program for promoting democratic values and civil society. The effort… Read more »

Identity politics shift ‘not good for health of liberal democracy’


The world today is not converging around liberal democratic government, as it seemed to be for more than a generation, argues Stanford University’s Francis Fukuyama. The Third Wave of democratization… Read more »

Not just for the West: liberal democracy ‘a victim of its own success’


FROM ALL OUTWARD signs, liberal democracy is in retreat around the world. Populist and nationalist movements, often explicitly xenophobic, are on the rise in Europe, notes analyst Cathy Young. Opinion columns… Read more »

Why democracy is in trouble


  Is democracy in trouble? Nearly 30 years after Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history and the triumph of liberal democracy, this question is no longer outlandish. But current… Read more »

Is democracy in its death throes? Declinism’s flaws and follies


A few years ago the US academic Larry Diamond declared that a “democratic recession” had set in after about 2006. The long global expansion of democracy that began with the… Read more »

Advancing democracy at the intersection of values and interests


The world is a much freer and more prosperous place than it was 30 years ago when Kenneth Wollack came to the National Democratic Institute (NDI). The United States, through… Read more »