Search Results for: liberal order

Democracy in crisis – and prospects for renewal


With the advent of authoritarian leaders and the simultaneous rise of populism, representative democracy appears to be caught between a rock and a hard place, yet it is this space… Read more »

Liu Xiaobo’s legacy will shape China’s future, forum told


China’s government should ensure that the law grants access to independent legal counsel and family members, as well as addressing the ill-treatment in detention and deaths in custody, the United… Read more »

Information the key to opening up North Korea


Opening up North Korea’s society is “a completely bleak problem” because citizens “have been deprived of any tools that they need, education, information, sharing tools,” according to Suki Kim, author… Read more »

Democracies should prepare for long fight against Russian disinformation


  Russia carries out and encourages ‘active measures’ in Europe to destabilize and confuse governments and societies. But these are often opportunistic and shaped by local conditions, says analyst  Mark… Read more »

China’s strategy to limit West’s global influence


  China is fashioning a new form of multilateralism with a strategy for the systematic displacing of institutions built on high ideals and values, such as free markets and democracy, notes… Read more »

Liu Xiaobo and the Future of China


Liu Xiaobo died on July 13, 2017, a victim of intolerance by a fearful Chinese government that imprisoned him for his leadership role in writing and organizing Charter 08. That… Read more »

Democracy’s defense mechanisms eroding. Populism here to stay?


In the age of migration the important characteristic of many of Europe’s populist parties is not that they are national-conservative but that they are reactionary, notes Ivan Krastev, chairman of… Read more »