Search Results for: liberal order

‘Faking concern about fake news’: engaging Russia will ’empower Putin’


Should the West collaborate with Russia on cybersecurity issues, despite the Kremlin’s information warfare conducted against the liberal democracies? “To forgive and forget when it comes to Putin, regarding cyberattacks,… Read more »

How Putin made corruption great again


Russian police arbitrarily detained hundreds of people during peaceful protests on June 12, 2017, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Human Rights Watch said today: Riot police in both cities used… Read more »

What does the Kremlin fear? How Russia’s disinformation model works


Russia’s attack on the West stems from its growing internal weakness, and the more the West treats Vladimir Putin as a 10-foot ogre, the better it is for him at… Read more »

Russian cyberattacks aimed at legitimacy of political process


Current and former government officials painted a sinister portrait Wednesday of Russian cyberattacks aimed at interfering in the U.S. presidential election last year, AP reports: Moscow stockpiled stolen information and selectively… Read more »

What democratic renewal looks like?


  Emmanuel Macron, the new French president, is about to achieve something extraordinary: His brand-new centrist party, Republic on the Move, is on track to win a sweeping, unprecedented majority… Read more »

Bolivia’s resource windfall squandered by populist mismanagement, hyper-corruption


  Across Latin America, one high-level scandal after another has tainted current or recent presidents or vice-presidents in Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Mexico, among others, Simeon Tegel writes for US News:… Read more »

Why Western democracy is in decline – and how to defend it


The Free World Order is worth fighting for, not least because it reconciles U.S. interests and ideals, former National Security Council director Daniel Fried writes for The Washington Post. It… Read more »

35 years after Reagan’s Westminster Address: Reclaiming American Realism?


Advancing U.S. interests take should precedence over defending the “liberal international order” and the U.S. should not use its “national strength to uphold a fictive international community”, according to foreign… Read more »