Search Results for: liberal order

Time to take idea of the West back from the populists


The very populists who happily speak in the name of the West have proven to be the most immediate threat to Western political principles, a threat from within, notes Michael Kimmage, a… Read more »

Prospects for democratic renewal 35 years after Reagan’s Westminster Address


Vaclav Havel, the dissident playwright turned president in Czechoslovakia, had a unique ability to find hope in the bleakest of situations, notes Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for… Read more »

Tackle ideological roots of jihadism to counter terrorism


The increasing threat of terrorism has not just influenced American perceptions of the liberal international order. It has had an impact in European democracies as well, contributing to Brexit and… Read more »

Democracies must not fall for terrorism’s ‘strategy of provocation’


How can democracies combat terrorism without undermining liberal democratic norms and institutions? Following the terrorist attacks in Manchester and London, British Prime Minister Theresa May has proposed restricting internet freedom… Read more »

Putin the winner? West’s new pragmatism ‘a shot in the arm’ for Russia


  Having failed to find a workable solution for the post-Crimea situation, and bogged down by its own problems, the West seems poised to drop its “liberal world order” mantras,… Read more »

The hard edge of China’s soft power exposed


  Australia is reviewing its espionage laws and banning foreign political donations over concerns that China is buying influence by using rich businessmen to funnel millions of dollars in donations… Read more »

Democratic renewal will help the Free World ‘out of its defensive crouch’


Liberal democrats need to go on the offensive to counter the external authoritarians and internal illiberal forces undermining democratic institutions and liberal values, says a prominent commentator. Ideas have power,… Read more »

How modern authoritarians are breaking down democracy


  Modern authoritarianism has succeeded, where previous totalitarian systems failed, due to new strategies of repression, the exploitation of open societies, and the spread of illiberal policies in democratic countries… Read more »

Russia-stoked transatlantic tensions signal ‘the end of the West’?


The West and Russia are locked in a fundamental paradigmatic disagreement, says analyst Kadri Liik. But that standoff is not centered around a competition between domestic political or economic models…. Read more »

Vietnam’s hackers targeting foreign firms with anti-dissident tactics


A Vietnamese group known as OceanLotus is targeting foreign companies, using tactics similar to those in attacks against dissidents, journalists and governments at odds with the country, The New York… Read more »