Search Results for: liberal order

Populism and the West: How to save world’s most successful political idea


For as long as many of us can remember, to be modern has meant to be Western, and to be Western has meant being at the forefront of pretty much… Read more »

The message NATO needs to hear


With Russia engaged in political warfare against Western democracies and the liberal world order itself under threat, the forthcoming NATO summit needs to hear a ringing affirmation of democratic values,… Read more »

Beijing turns to Hollywood to win hearts and minds


When Yang Shuping spoke Sunday of her eternal gratitude to the University of Maryland for teaching her about “free speech” and showing her that her “voice mattered,” she may not… Read more »

Is a Grave New World the Fate of the West?


The system of economic and political openness that has obtained since the end of the second world war and extended since the collapse of the Soviet Union is now under… Read more »

Fates of Balkan and Western democracy ‘inseparable’


An assault on democratic norms in the Balkans should be treated with the same urgency as such a crisis would precipitate within the core of the EU, says Dr Jasmin… Read more »

As West dithers, Russia ups its game in the Balkans


Tensions are rising between west and east and over the Balkans. Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and other Balkan countries that aspire to EU membership remain a long way from entry because… Read more »

Russia’s info warfare stoking tensions, sowing discord – not advancing coherent ideology


Russia has recently been accused of stoking tensions in the Balkans by waging ‘information warfare’ in the region, notes Jarosław Wiśniewski. Even if these allegations are true, the West should… Read more »

Six ways to combat Russia’s political jiu-jitsu against democracies


  Russia’s information warfare is a form of political jiu-jitsu, reflecting its belief that the simplest way to take down a democracy is to turn its most powerful asset, the open… Read more »