Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

Coronavirus a ‘catalyst for global civil society’?


The coronavirus pandemic has had a profound impact not only on government policies but also on societies, says a leading analyst. The crisis has played out at the public authority… Read more »

Preempting democracy again? ‘Civil society surge’ precedes Belarus election


Police in Belarus have arbitrarily arrested journalists, bloggers, and political activists ahead of the August 9, 2020 presidential election and pressed charges against two potential candidates, Human Rights Watch said… Read more »

Hope for Eastern Europe’s civil society: Scenarios for the Eastern Partnership


  Hundreds of people in Minsk protested against the rule of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in the largest opposition demonstration of the year. They denounced the authoritarian rule of Lukashenko, who… Read more »

Democratic resilience – new directions for civil society support


The acquittal of civil society activist Osman Kavala followed by his absurd rearrest shows the abysmal state of rule of law and democracy in Turkey, notes analyst Marc Pierini. The… Read more »

Ukraine on friction point between Russian authoritarianism & West’s democracy


Ukraine has overwhelmingly voted for fundamental change and is now led by people who are committed to making their country a modern democracy committed to liberty and the rule of… Read more »

How Ukraine became Eastern Europe’s ‘vibrant’ democratic success


When the Ukrainian autocrat Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia after a popular uprising in 2014, thousands of citizens poured into Mezhyhirya, his 340-acre estate on the outskirts of Kiev, Michelle… Read more »

Georgia’s civil society must seize the opportunity of electoral reform


A new front has been opened in Georgia’s ‘Battle of the political airwaves’ with the announcement that a new channel, Formula, will be broadcast from October. One of the financiers… Read more »