Search Results for: democratic erosion

‘Too soon, too loud’: China’s Wolf Warrior diplomacy is backfiring


Leading Chinese scholars and foreign policy advisers have taken aim at the country’s “Wolf Warrior” diplomats and state media, saying their efforts to defend Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic are backfiring…. Read more »

Great Power Competition: Will pandemic give democracies advantage?


Democracy was in retreat, and autocrats were on the march, before the coronavirus appeared, notes analyst Ruchir Sharma. To contain it, leaders of all political styles have assumed previously unthinkable… Read more »

Destined for autocracy? Scenarios for post-Covid Russia


A new Russian landscape is emerging that demands patient observation, even if is still unclear what comes next amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, notes Lilia Shevtsova (above, left), the Richard von… Read more »

Democracy ‘waking from Covid-19 hibernation’ or ‘dangers much greater than opportunities’?


“Overall, the dangers are much greater than the opportunities” in terms of the pandemic’s impact on liberty and democracy, says Stanford University’s Francis Fukuyama. “I do think there are opportunities… Read more »

Quality of democracy reaches new low – but ‘glimmers of hope’


The quality of democracy, market economy and governance reached its lowest level since 2004 when the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) was first published, it reported today. Limits on freedom… Read more »

‘Beginning of the end’ for Hong Kong? Two systems ‘dead as a Dodo’


Hong Kong activists are planning to take advantage of forthcoming opportunities to counter the recent crackdown on the pro-democracy movement. “We’re only at half-time in the match,” one activist suggested…. Read more »