Search Results for: liberal order

Democracies in a new global competition of ideas


Moscow has made information and asymmetrical warfare central to its foreign and military policy, analyst Fareed Zakaria writes for The Washington Post: The idea of information warfare is not new…. Read more »

Perfect Dictatorship? China‘s “controlocracy” stifles NGOs


Authorities in China’s capital have cut off the utilities and destroyed the central heating system of a prominent non-government organization (NGO) set up to help migrant workers, as a new… Read more »

A Dark Age for European Democracy?


In recent months, nationalists and populists on both sides of the Atlantic have challenged the values that have been at the heart of the transatlantic alliance of liberal democracies for… Read more »

China’s ‘Great Leap Backward’


A bipartisan strategic assessment underlies a widely-shared assumption about the likely direction of China’s development, notes a leading analyst. This was not the simplistic faith that if China became richer,… Read more »

‘Tyrant is dead, tyranny continues’: Cuban dissidents fear post-Castro crackdown


While Cuban-Americans partied in the streets of Miami after Fidel Castro died, dissidents in Cuba stayed home, fearing more repression though some hope his brother Raul will enact reforms, AFP… Read more »

Governance, stability are interdependent in Arab world, says report


The optimism experienced at popular prodemocracy mobilization in 2011 has turned to dismay and worry at the metastasizing violence that characterizes today’s Middle East and North Africa, according to Real… Read more »

How to stop corruption, curb kleptocracy


This week’s protests in Malaysia have again highlighted the political pathologies associated with rampant corruption and kleptocracy. Even in advanced liberal democracies like the UK, kleptocrats are using London’s property… Read more »

How to address the crisis of democracy


Democracy today is facing greater challenges than at any time since the fall of communism a quarter of a century ago; greater than at any time, in fact, since the… Read more »