Search Results for: democratic erosion

Avoiding authoritarian pitfalls during Covid-19 crisis


  The political effects of the Covid-19 crisis are likely to be profound, Stanford political scientist Larry Diamond writes for the Atlantic Monthly: In the medium to long run, the… Read more »

Gangnam Smile: North Korean defectors make history


The most important thing about South Korea’s legislative elections this week is the fact that they happened at all, notes John Delury, a professor of Chinese studies at Yonsei University,… Read more »

‘Global Populisms and Their Challenges’: Political parties are critical actors, report says


The rise of populism – a political argument that pits ordinary people against a corrupt, government elite – is putting democracy at risk, said Stanford scholars in a new white… Read more »

Autocratization poses challenge for democracy assistance strategies


Illiberals are neither fully committed to civil liberties – such as freedom of expression, assembly and association – and the rule of law, nor totally devoted to the institutions that… Read more »

Democracy embattled: How to make renewal happen?


A growing number of think tanks uses the World Economic Forum’s conference in Davos as an opportunity to release headline grabbing studies, analyst Mike O’Sullivan writes for Forbes. Of the… Read more »

Disinformation weaponized to discredit democracy – Kofi Annan Commission


Social media has become a hotbed of extremism, used to undermine democracy, a think-tank said on Wednesday, calling for reforms to restore trust in government and banish fringe elements, The… Read more »

‘Demand for Deceit’: What drives disinformation


Russian operatives and other foreign actors are deliberately targeting U.S. troops and veterans with online disinformation amplified on a massive scale, according to a leading veterans group,  The Washington Post… Read more »

Democracies vs. dictatorships: A grand strategy


  While no country gets a perfect score on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), the top performing countries tend to be healthy democracies. The state of democracy in a country indicates… Read more »

Liberal democracy ‘alien to human nature’? Intense battle for political minds and souls


A dramatic debate between US strategist Stephen Bannon and French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy* at the Athens Democracy Forum, illustrated the intensity of the battle for political minds and souls, The… Read more »

Why history isn’t moving inexorably in the direction of democracy


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it seemed that history was moving inexorably in the direction of democracy and free markets—that we’d reached the “end of history” and could… Read more »