Search Results for: liberal order

Moderates’ election gains ‘a setback to Iranian democracy’


Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday hailed last month’s elections that saw gains for allies of moderate President Hassan Rouhani, denying they lacked competition, AFP reports: The February… Read more »

The Obama Doctrine: advancing democracy, but….


President Barack Obama is a democratic internationalist, he tells The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, but experience has also taught him to temper his idealism with a pragmatic, realist approach to foreign… Read more »

Authoritarian offensive highlighted at dissidents’ Geneva Summit


The financial crisis is one of a number of challenges which have sapped the confidence of established democracies to stand up for democratic values, the National Endowment for Democracy‘s Christopher Walker… Read more »

Democratic strategy in new era of complexity


  The US will remain indispensable to global problem-solving, provided an updated mindset, new institutions, and flexible alliances are in place, says a leading analyst. The American government elected in… Read more »

North Korea’s ‘fear society’: why human rights must come first


North Korea is the world’s most oppressive example of what former Soviet dissident, Natan Sharansky, called a “fear society,” according to Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy. … Read more »

Muted Modernists? Saudi Islamists ‘campaign for democracy’


The Saudi regime watched the 2011 Arab Spring unfold across the Middle East with deep unease. As the year progressed, the regime responded by rounding up moderate Islamists because of… Read more »

Turkey’s Erdogan getting off democracy train?


Under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (A.K.P.) presented itself as a Western, reformist, neo-liberal and secular party, and, as late as 2012, 16 EU… Read more »

Bleak prospects for Putinism – and Russian democracy


Russian President Vladimir Putin used to seem invincible. Today, he and his regime look enervated, confused, and desperate. Increasingly, both Russian and Western commentators suggest that Russia may be on… Read more »