Search Results for: democratic erosion

Democracy’s precarious position: New social contract for survival and renewal


The U.S. government has supported democracy for decades. While this principle has never been applied evenly—all Presidents have made compromises in the name of national security—the policy paid off with… Read more »

Renewing the promise of reconciling political Islam and democracy?


  Jamal Khashoggi and I disagreed on almost all political issues, but we agreed on one thing: that the Arab world had profoundly changed in ways that rendered the old… Read more »

Moderates must avoid ‘Flight 93 Temptation’ to borrow from the populists’ illiberal playbook


The two most venerable English-speaking democracies appear to be following in the footsteps of countries they once sought to inspire. As the experience of Argentina, Hungary, or even Italy make… Read more »

Does ‘America First’ need democracy abroad?


Although President George W. Bush insisted that his administration’s grand strategy—supporting the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the “ultimate goal of ending tyranny… Read more »

Strengthening resilience to online disinformation


Russia’s return to the global stage as a major power relies on an array of diplomatic, information, security, and economic tools that help the Kremlin punch above its weight, notes… Read more »

Russia Scenarios 2030: don’t neglect ordinary citizens


The hope for a more viable democratic political force in Russia depends on resilience of Western democracies, according to a new report. The façade of stability and strength of the… Read more »

Putin v. the People: Divided Russia faces perilous politics


According to a new survey from WCIOM, one of Russia’s leading polling agencies, trust in Russian president Vladimir Putin has fallen to an all-time low of 31.7 percent, notes Samuel A…. Read more »

Democracies under pressure: how and why citizens are disenchanted


The idea of democracy has revolutionized the world. It is based on a political order whose main feature is making the exercise of power subject to the consent of the… Read more »

Worst assault yet on rule of law means ‘the end of Hong Kong’?


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Hong Kong pro-democracy leader Martin Lee on Thursday, the State Department said, as Hong Kong activists seek to derail a proposed extradition… Read more »

‘Pushing on an Open Door’: countering illiberal alliances in the Western Balkans


Nearly two decades after the cessation of violent conflict in the Western Balkans and efforts by the international community to support democratic reform, analysis suggests that most countries in the… Read more »