Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

Ukraine’s ‘double existential threat’ – West’s credibility at stake


The West’s credibility and cohesion are at stake in Ukraine, according to a new analysis from Chatham House, the London-based foreign policy think-tank. The international community has invested heavily in… Read more »

$18bn boost for Open Society – but CEU held in ‘legal limbo’


George Soros, who built one of the world’s largest fortunes through a famous series of trades, has turned over nearly $18 billion to Open Society Foundations, according to foundation officials,… Read more »

Ukraine’s new generation of civic activists emerging?


Ukraine’s anti-corruption bureau said Wednesday it had detained a deputy defense minister and another top military official for allegedly embezzling millions in state funding through an illegal oil-purchase scheme. The… Read more »

‘Three Steps Forward – Two Steps Back’: Ukraine needs assistance – and reform


It’s time for the US to come to the aid of Ukraine, says Antony J. Blinken (@ABlinken), a managing director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement,… Read more »

Time for the West to ‘get real’ about Ukraine


Officials in the central Ukrainian city of Cherkasy say a municipal councilor has been shot dead just hours after the broadcast of a television interview he gave about corruption within… Read more »

Corruption: the last hurdle for Ukraine’s recovery


  Ukraine has made remarkable progress, positioning the economy for strong growth. But, as is so often the case in post-Soviet states, old-school clientelism could quickly smother the promise of… Read more »

Ukrainian civil society ‘gearing up’ to counter patronalistic regime?


The appointment of former U.S. ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker (right) to be special representative to Ukraine could breathe some much-needed life back into the drive for peace, whose momentum… Read more »

Ukraine cracks down on anticorruption crusaders


A recent legislative amendment requiring activists and journalists reporting on government corruption to file public declarations of their personal assets is vague and could be used to deter or punish… Read more »

Ukraine: Europe’s East Faces Unsettled West


The Kremlin’s attempts to destroy Ukraine’s European aspirations is simply one of Russia’s many challenges to the post-World War II international liberal order, notes analyst Natalie A. Jaresko. The actions… Read more »

Ukraine democratic transition ‘being driven from bottom-up’


Ukraine is set to launch its case against Russia at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, seeking an order to halt Moscow’s support for pro-Russia separatists in… Read more »