Search Results for: Georgia

Russia retards democratic progress on freedom’s frontlines


The outgoing deputy head of the monitoring mission to Ukraine of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe says newly compiled statistics prove that lack of political will is… Read more »

Erasing the ‘grey zone’ on the frontlines of freedom


The countries of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine stand at a crossroads, the Atlantic Council notes. Perched between Russia and the West, they have chosen a path of… Read more »

Democratic learning: how does Armenia’s transition compare to Color Revolutions?


  Armenian citizens are showing widespread optimism about the country’s future and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s government, according to new national poll from the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) Center for Insights in… Read more »

On the Offensive: A Strategy to Combat Russian Information Warfare


Moscow continues to wage an offensive information campaign designed, in the words of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, to “weaken and divide the United States,” argues Seth G. Jones,… Read more »

‘Digital social contract’ will combat political disinformation


Russia has re-ignited its ideological battle with the West by waging a more insidious offensive: intrude on Western democratic processes and meddle in nations’ politics, according to Digital Warfare: Russia’s… Read more »

Russia and the West fighting a ‘disinformation-age battle’


U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis accused Russia on Monday of attempting to influence the outcome of a referendum in Macedonia on changing the country’s name that would open the way… Read more »

Countering Russia’s ‘active measures’: assessing new tools


Russia is using the same disinformation playbook to sow doubt about the attempted assassination of Sergei Skripal and his daughter as it did in the case of Alexander Litvinenko’s death,… Read more »

‘One of the great freedom fighters’: John McCain, R.I.P.


  Senator John McCain “was one of the great freedom fighters of all time,” according to a leading democracy advocate. “He was a champion of democracy wherever it was being… Read more »

Russian ‘mood swing’? High level of dissent ‘points to trouble for Putin’


Economic conditions for most Russians are about to get much worse, say analysts [HT: Paul Goble]. That makes grim reading for the Kremlin alongside news that Vladimir Putin’s personal support hit… Read more »

Russia fuels rise of illiberal civil society in the former Soviet Union


Disinformation is one of several tools in the Kremlin toolbox as Russia plays a leading role in promoting illiberal, anti-Western and socially conservative civil society groups, popular movements and political… Read more »