Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

West shows Ukraine fatigue, Putin wages hybrid war


  Even a brief analysis of the accusations being made by Russia against NATO shows that Moscow’s characterization of NATO as a hostile and dangerous organization has long been based… Read more »

Ukraine’s former leader ‘paid bribes of $2 billion’ – $1.4 million for each day in office


  Ukraine’s former president paid bribes worth at least $2 billion (£1.4 billion) during his four years in office – amounting to almost $1.4 million for every day he was… Read more »

Russia: ‘Foreign Agents’: Mythical Enemies and Society’s Real Losses


A leading U.S. Senator is expressing concern over threats to Russia’s civil society, including independent citizen election monitoring group Golos, ahead of Russia’s September 2016 parliamentary elections. “I am deeply concerned… Read more »

Indispensable reforms for Ukraine’s ‘revolution without change’


Achieving progress on reforming Ukraine’s economy would send the strongest possible message to critics who doubt the country’s ability to operate as a modern state, argues Carnegie analyst Pierre Vimont:… Read more »

Ukraine: reasons for pessimism – and cautious optimism


Time is up for Ukraine’s President to convince society, politicians, and Western partners that he’s prepared to fight corruption. Every day of delay proves the opposite. By not interfering, Poroshenko… Read more »

Civil society in post-Soviet space: legitimacy, linkage and learning


“Partly free” countries in the post-Soviet space must fight even harder now to protect growing civil societies, argues Orysia Lutsevych, the manager of the Ukraine Forum in London-based think tank… Read more »

Can Ukraine achieve a reform breakthrough?


  It is easy to characterize Ukraine’s latest attempt to reform as a repeat of the unrealized potential of the 2004 Orange Revolution, analysts John Lough and Iryna Solonenko write… Read more »

After Yatsenyuk: Ukraine government ‘likely to be less reformist’


Arseniy P. Yatsenyuk, the prime minister of Ukraine, announced his resignation on Sunday in a surprise move that opened a new period of political uncertainty, The New York Times reports:… Read more »