Search Results for: democratic recession

‘Hegemonic transition’? China stakes claim for globalism without liberalism


Hun Sen, Cambodia’s prime minister of 32 years’ standing, has experienced the benevolent embrace of both the west and China. But there is no doubt over Mr Hun Sen’s preferred… Read more »

How the forward march of democracy was halted


Twenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, and of the apparent triumph of American values and power, U.S. policymakers now confront the very basic question of which values… Read more »

Putin bans 25th anniversary tribute to Soviet coup’s defeat


Russia has banned a 25th-­anniversary tribute to the thousands who helped defeat an attempted coup by communist hardliners trying to topple Mikhail Gorbachev, The Times reports: Critics said the order… Read more »

Push back against the tyrants: how to counter authoritarian assault on civil society


With rising awareness that simply holding elections does not a democracy make, investments in civil society are central to democracy promotion—helping to provide the education, information, and accountability without which… Read more »

Russia’s election countdown: opposition pressured by Kremlin


Russia’s liberal opposition has been subjected to all kinds of pressure in the last few months, from leaked clandestine sex tapes to dubious court cases and physical violence. As parliamentary… Read more »

Reversing democracy’s retreat? Reasons to be hopeful


Democracy is being challenged today as never before since the end of the Cold War, notes Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy. Freedom House has recorded ten consecutive years… Read more »

Ukraine’s former leader ‘paid bribes of $2 billion’ – $1.4 million for each day in office


  Ukraine’s former president paid bribes worth at least $2 billion (£1.4 billion) during his four years in office – amounting to almost $1.4 million for every day he was… Read more »