Search Results for: anticorruption

‘No coincidence’: Anti-corruption efforts stagnate with democracy under assault, says CPI


Corruption levels remain at a standstill worldwide, with 86 per cent of countries making little to no progress in the last 10 years, according to the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index… Read more »

Digital technology aids fight against corruption in Latin America


Nayib Bukele won El Salvador’s presidency on an anti-corruption platform, excoriating the malfeasance of the two wartime parties that had governed the country since the 1980s, note Noah Bullock and… Read more »

‘More mice than Mussolinis’: Year of elections to test Latin America’s democracies


  When Ecuadoreans choose a new president and legislature on February 7th, they will begin a busy political year across Latin America. Chile, Haiti, Honduras, Peru and Nicaragua are due… Read more »

Turning the Tide: Resilience can revive transatlantic democracies


Is the United States about to give up its aspirations for global leadership and abandon any notion of moral purpose on the international stage? asks Eliot A. Cohen, Dean of… Read more »