Search Results for: Georgia

Democracy and disinformation: Russia will interfere in 2018 elections, say officials


Top U.S. national security officials said on Tuesday they had “no doubt” Russia will try to interfere in the 2018 U.S. mid-term elections, adding Moscow believes it succeeded in its… Read more »

Emerging Europe’s democracies ‘flawed at best’


Central and Eastern Europe does not have a single, full democracy according to the 2017 Democracy Index released early in February by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Azerbaijan and Belarus… Read more »

Kremlin must face consequences for interference & disinformation


Russia must face far stronger consequences for its electoral interference and disinformation operations, according to Philip Gordon and Robert Blackwill, senior fellows at the Council on Foreign Relations and veterans… Read more »

Russian sharp power fuels Balkans’ democratic regression


  Growing Russian influence in the Balkans is undermining democratic institutions and retarding regional states’ prospects of accession to the European Union, observers suggest. The EU is launching a diplomatic… Read more »

Kleptocratic regime intensifies repression


Ukraine is haltingly evolving away from a Russia-style, post-Soviet kleptocracy. But the allure of no-strings-attached Chinese cash could dampen the imperative for making reforms that Western aid packages, through their… Read more »

Six steps to counter Putin’s ‘asymmetric assault on democracy’


A new report warns of deepening Russian interference throughout Europe and concludes that even as some Western democracies have responded with aggressive countermeasures, the U.S has no strategic plan to… Read more »

National Security Strategy to address resurgent ‘revisionist powers’ and subversive disinformation


The new U.S. National Security Strategy, due to be published on Monday, will address the challenge of resurgent “revisionist powers” and the more specific threat of the Kremlin’s subversive use… Read more »