Search Results for: Georgia

Russia’s information warfare – strategic ‘social engineering’


Russia’s ongoing information warfare against Western democracies goes well beyond hacking, according to leading expert. “It’s political engineering, social engineering on a strategic level,” said Thomas Rid, a professor of… Read more »

Time to push back against Russia


Russian cyber operations against the United States aim to both collect information and develop offensive capabilities against future targets. Washington must strengthen its defenses in response, according to a new… Read more »

Democratic deconsolidation: globalization to blame?


The process of deconsolidation now taking place across most liberal democracies is a very serious warning sign, analysts Roberto Foa and Yascha Mounk write for the National Endowment for Democracy’s… Read more »

Has Kremlin cracked democracy’s code?


German politicians have warned that hackers and others acting for the Russian state could undermine Germany’s general elections next year, the BBC reports: The German election is at risk from… Read more »

Ghana opposition leader ‘wins presidential election’


Ghana’s main opposition leader, Nana Akufo-Addo, has won the West African country’s presidential election with an absolute majority over President John Mahama, two influential private radio stations said on Friday…. Read more »

Russia’s threat to liberal democracy: Putin making world safe for autocracy


With the end of the Cold War and the expansion of NATO and the EU to virtually all of Central and Eastern Europe, liberal democracy seemed ascendant and secure as… Read more »

DRC: urgent action needed to deter large-scale violence, repression


The European Union and United States should expand targeted sanctions against those most responsible for recent violent repression and other serious human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo,… Read more »