Search Results for: Bolivia

Strategic patience: Why China’s advance in Latin America matters


  When Joe Biden left the White House in early 2017, democracy faced challenges in Latin America, especially in the countries that embraced 21st century socialism (Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and… Read more »

‘Future Nostalgia’: Latin America’s democracies in 2021


Citizens of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela have suffered for too long under the despotic rule of Castrismo, Orteguismo and Chavismo-Madurismo, says Miriam Kornblith (right), the Senior Director for Latin America and the Caribbean… Read more »

Democracy in post-pandemic Latin America: Enhanced vulnerabilities


Latin American democracy was already vulnerable before the pandemic due to crises of trust, legitimacy and representation, corruption, and the overall mixed results of the political system for citizens, according… Read more »

Consolidating dictatorship: Venezuela’s sham election


\ Venezuela’s parliamentary elections, scheduled for 6 December, will renew its National Assembly for a five-year term. But since 2015, the regime has become less evenhanded when it comes to… Read more »