Search Results for: Oswaldo Paya

Why authoritarians’ rise is ‘a global catastrophe’


Tragically, world institutions and organizations have failed to properly address authoritarianism. Western governments sometimes protest human rights violations in countries such as Russia, Iran, and North Korea — but routinely… Read more »

Cuba: Four Heroes and a Demagogue


Fidel Castro, who died on November 25, was a political tyrant who succeeded in convincing many people in the democratic world that he was actually the very opposite, the National… Read more »

Cuba ‘open for business’, closed to dissent


Cuba may be open for business, but it remains closed to dissent, according to a retired career American diplomat. “Despite President Obama’s best intentions, no improvement on the human rights… Read more »

Dalai Lama urges Suu Kyi to address Rohingya tensions


  The horrific violence in the Middle East, which in the case of Syria has led to the greatest refugee crisis in a generation, and appalling terrorist attacks — as we were sadly… Read more »

Cubama: a ‘new day’ or a ‘slap in the face’ for U.S.-Cuba relations


Change is coming to Cuba, President Barack Obama told his Cuban counterpart today, after  Raul Castro called on the U.S. to lift longstanding trade and other restrictions as part of… Read more »

Cubama: what President Obama should say about Cuba


  Cuba has released four dissidents and put them on a plane to the U.S. just days before President Barack Obama’s historic trip to the island as part of the rapprochement with President… Read more »

Cuban dissidents freed in rapprochement back in custody


President Obama may go to Cuba this year if its government bolsters its human rights record and opens its doors more fully to American business in the coming weeks, a… Read more »

More Continuity than Change: Cuba’s ‘cosmetic’, ‘illegitimate’ dynastic succession


Miguel Diaz-Canel succeeded Raul Castro as Cuba’s president on Thursday, saying that there will be “no space for those who aspire for a restoration of capitalism, the LA Times reports… Read more »