Search Results for: anticorruption

Defending against the weaponization of corruption


  Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is facing one of the worst coronavirus epidemics in the world, an ongoing corruption investigation, and a procession of ministers deserting his cabinet. To top… Read more »

‘Dynamism Despite Disruption’: Will pandemic undercut or rejuvenate civil society


In many countries, restrictive laws already had been squeezing civil society before the Covid-19 crisis hit. The pandemic provides a convenient cover for governments to further tilt the balance of power… Read more »

Why Ecuador’s pushback against populism backfired


Since taking office in May 2017, Ecuadorean president Lenín Moreno has made headline-grabbing efforts to reverse the transformations wrought by his populist predecessor, Rafael Correa (2007–17 – yesterday found guilty… Read more »

Policy recommendations for strengthening democracy


  In the wake of Freedom in the World 2020, the latest survey of political rights and civil liberties in 210 states, which details continuing democratic deterioration, Freedom House offers a… Read more »

‘Networks of impunity’ for kleptocrats’ malign activities


Kleptocrats regularly exploit Europe’s financial system, according to a new report. In the decade since the global financial crisis, dozens of money laundering schemes linked to corrupt, abusive regimes have come… Read more »

Five transformations require ‘fresh thinking’ on advancing democracy


The thirty years since the end of the cold war have been a time of extraordinary change, notes Jessica T. Mathews, a Distinguished Fellow at (and former President of) the… Read more »

‘Zero Corruption’: feasible or fantasy?


A court in Bishkek has ruled to freeze the bank accounts of RFE/RL’s Kyrgyz Service, locally known as Azattyk, its correspondent, and the Kyrgyz news site Kloop following their joint… Read more »

International Anti-Corruption Day: How graft erodes democracy and the rule of law


We should not be surprised at the increased distance between citizens and democratic institutions given the prevalence of corruption, observers suggest. “In too many countries we are witnessing corruption or… Read more »

Good governance: Put the dragon back in the egg or learn to ride it?


Lebanon’s protesters want ethical universalism, even if the phrase doesn’t appear on any banners or placards. Freedom is no longer enough. They are demanding a government that represents and services… Read more »

Beijing’s assertiveness betrays its desperation: CCP ‘might collapse’?


China’s ruling Communist Party is holding a key meeting this week amid a drastically slowing economy, ongoing protests in Hong Kong and pushback abroad against Beijing’s global ambitions, AP reports;… Read more »