Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

Turkey & Russia: Not autocratic birds of the same feather


Democracies can reset themselves by changing governments through elections. Modern Russia cannot, says Alexander Baunov, a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Moscow Center and Editor in Chief of By the confluence… Read more »

Incompetence, impatience & impotence: Russia shows same traits that befell USSR


  The way Russian pro-governmental media approached Hungary’s “coronavirus coup” stand-off with the EU in the time of COVID-19 is in line with the outlets’ long-term attitude towards Hungary, notes… Read more »

Are some NGOs really ‘foreign agents’?


Here’s what people in Georgia and Ukraine say, according to a recent survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) and the Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC), Gerard… Read more »

You don’t defeat the virus by bleeding democracy


The Covid-19 pandemic is unlikely to alleviate demands for more democratic governance, respect for human rights, equality, an end to austerity, and meaningful steps to combat climate change and corruption,… Read more »

How to protect democracy from digital authoritarians’ toolbox


The alliances, cooperation, and coordination that comprise the liberal world order depend on sufficient public political support and trust within and across democracies, notes Michael Colaresi, William S. Dietrich II… Read more »

‘No such thing as illiberal democracy’?


The rise of populism has made it fashionable among political scientists and the general public to argue that there are fewer differences between democracies and autocracies than previously thought, according… Read more »