Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

‘Democracy: From Theory to Practice’: Assessing decay, breakdown and renewal


The autocratic resurgence was a factor in prompting USAID to declare 2020 as the Year of Democracy and launch a campaign called #Democracy Is… in order “to highlight the interlocking… Read more »

‘Powder keg’ or ‘pressure cooker’? Iran’s unprecedented legitimacy crisis


Iran’s president warned Monday of threats to the Islamic Republic’s “democracy and national sovereignty,” after a body dominated by his ultra-conservative rivals disqualified thousands of candidates, weeks before elections, AFP… Read more »

Putin’s ‘backhanded tribute to democracy’: A global template for new authoritarians?


Russian President Vladimir Putin named a new prime minister, who was confirmed (Reuters) one day after his predecessor resigned along with Russia’s entire cabinet. Putin also proposed changes (FT) in… Read more »

2020: The year to focus on strengthening global democracy


  In his recent book The Jungle Grows Back, American historian and journalist Robert Kagan asks readers to confront the possibility that this retreat isn’t a temporary slippage but rather that… Read more »

UN, EU highlight Russia’s breaches of human rights, democracy & rule of law


The UN General Assembly will consider a draft resolution on protection of human rights in the occupied Crimea, according to a tweet by Ukraine’s Mission in the UN. “December 18, UNGA to consider a… Read more »

Conspiracy theories as counter-narratives: Should democracies adapt to disinformation?


A Russian-linked operation aimed at dividing Western allies spread disinformation on social media for three years, according to a new analysis, Bloomberg reports: Hundreds of accounts on multiple internet platforms… Read more »

The False Romance of Russia: Competing in the Gray Zone


Russia has been aiming to destabilize both its “near abroad” — the former Soviet states except for the Baltics — and wider Europe through the use of ambiguous “gray zone”… Read more »

Georgia’s status as post-Soviet democratic leader challenged


Georgia’s status as a post-Soviet democratic leader is under challenge, according to analysts Denis Corboy, William Courtney, Kenneth Yalowitz. A flawed presidential election, use of force against protesters, and political manipulations… Read more »

Countering kleptocracy – from the inside out


The toxic relationship between the Russian and British elites is something that needs full exposure. They have been collaborating to their mutual enrichment, and to the detriment of democracy and… Read more »

A new infrastructure of democracy? Open societies’ resilience is strategic priority


Had Ronald Reagan’s Westminster speech merely articulated the case for democracy, it would be remembered as one of many well-written and inspiring presidential addresses. It was, on the contrary, much… Read more »