Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

Russia protests show Kremlin ‘failing to keep its system afloat’


  Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny today walked out of a Moscow jail after serving a 30-day sentence for violating Russia’s restrictive protest laws. He spoke defiantly to journalists waiting… Read more »

Labor mourns loss of democracy advocates


Labor unions are often a country’s largest, most representative civil society groups, with a membership base that adds democratic credentials and legitimacy that most NGOs can only envy. Public approval… Read more »

Moscow in Movement: Record protests present new challenge to Putin’s dominance


An estimated fifty thousand people in Moscow (Moscow Times/CFR) protested the barring of independent candidates from the ballot in an upcoming local election in what was one of the country’s… Read more »

Is Russia’s ‘new civic activism’ testing Putin’s grip on power?


  More people in Russia view the late Brezhnev era of the Soviet Union as “close to the people” than they do President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, according to a survey… Read more »

West’s democracies ‘fighting yesterday’s war’ against Russian disinformation & malign influence


The United States has “fallen behind” in addressing the threat of foreign disinformation, but it is not too late to change course and adopt a more proactive approach, a Capitol… Read more »

Strengthening resilience to online disinformation


Russia’s return to the global stage as a major power relies on an array of diplomatic, information, security, and economic tools that help the Kremlin punch above its weight, notes… Read more »

Russia’s soft power set to divide Council of Europe’s democracies


The late Russian president Boris Yeltsin once said his country’s entry into the Council of Europe would help create a “new, greater Europe, free from dividing lines” and “united by common… Read more »

‘Democratic Spring’ stirring in Eurasia?


Meduza journalist Ivan Golunov’s release from house arrest does not imply a softening of the Kremlin’s stance toward civil society or a strengthening of its fight against corruption, Russia analysts… Read more »

Advancing democracy reduces global turbulence


A much-reduced emphasis on promoting democracy and human rights adds to global turbulence, says Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of A World… Read more »