Search Results for: Africa governance

Ghana’s 2016 Elections: Public Confidence & State Preparedness


  eTV Ghana (below, right) has launched a policy assessment dialogue dubbed: “Manifesto Dialogue,” to give political parties platforms to enlighten civilians on the policies they would implement if they… Read more »

Libyans ‘winning the battle’ against Islamic State


While the so-called Islamic State is losing ground across Libya, divisions among various Libyan factions make it difficult for the unity government to convert the group’s defeat into legitimacy, Carnegie… Read more »

ISIS ‘metastasizing’ – losing territory and social media presence


  The Islamic State group lost 12% of the territory it holds in Iraq and Syria – an area the size of Ireland – in the first half of 2016,… Read more »

EU’s ‘resilience’ strategy challenges dichotomy of democracy or stability


  The European Union’s new global strategy for foreign and security policy has devised a smart way forward to overcome the dichotomy between democracy and stability that has tended to bedevil the… Read more »

How to understand and ‘throttle’ ISIS


A thorough examination of the Islamic State’s history and practices is useful for designing a coordinated and effective campaign against it—and for understanding why the group might be able to… Read more »

Empowering local actors, devolving power can assist Syria’s transition process


If the United States screens refugees for security risks, 59% of Americans support taking in refugees from the conflicts in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, while 41% oppose, according… Read more »

Dalai Lama urges Suu Kyi to address Rohingya tensions


  The horrific violence in the Middle East, which in the case of Syria has led to the greatest refugee crisis in a generation, and appalling terrorist attacks — as we were sadly… Read more »

A Strategy for Democratic Renewal


Democracy is being challenged today as never before since the end of Cold War, notes Carl Gershman, President of the National Endowment for Democracy. Freedom House has recorded ten consecutive… Read more »

Inclusive Institutions for Development Impact


Social accountability has gained increasing importance in the development sector over the past two decades, notes the World Bank’s Global Partners Forum. Development partners—including governments, private sector and citizens—recognize the… Read more »