Search Results for: Ukraine civil society

How Kremlin’s ‘tools of malign political influence’ undermine democracy


Kremlin-backed hackers discussed plans to stir up racial resentment in the United States in hopes of tearing American society apart, according to secret documents obtained by a Russian opposition group…. Read more »

Rule of law the key to renovating democracy, countering illiberal forces


Autocratic and illiberal forces arise when there is a vacuum of power and authority, say two leading analysts. The refugee and immigration crisis emanating from Central America, for example, is… Read more »

Misapprehension of liberalism? ‘Viktator’ Orban is following Putin playbook


The European parliamentary elections, which will take place later this month, offer Prime Minister Viktor Orbán the chance to build a right-wing populist coalition across Europe, according to Kim Lane… Read more »

Demotion, dilution, delay & diversion: strengthening digital resilience


Whatever the domestic repercussions of Robert S. Mueller III’s report, Moscow will likely continue its campaign of disinformation and disruption against American democracy, a prominent analyst tells the New York Times: Aleksandr… Read more »

Venezuela: ‘time for democratic transition is now’


Global support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó expanded Monday as a growing chorus of Western nations increased pressure on the authoritarian regime of cash-strapped Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the Wall… Read more »

Remembering Nadia Diuk


  In the days since Nadia passed, the National Endowment for Democracy has received an incredible outpouring of messages of condolence and remembering, said NED President Carl Gershman, delivering a… Read more »

How to detoxify the Internet


Jigsaw, the Alphabet unit that aims to make the world safer through technology, is expanding its Project Shield technology that protects against distributed denial of services attacks to European political organizations, campaigns, and candidates,… Read more »

‘Democratic dream’ in South Caucasus?


Democratic bright spots are emerging in Armenia and Georgia despite their being wedged between less-than-democratic regional powers—Iran, Russia and Turkey, note analysts Denis Corboy, William Courtney and Kenneth Yalowitz. Both countries seek… Read more »

Russia’s ‘geopolitical capability’ in decline


Russia’s global ranking in the latest edition of The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index fell by nine places to 144th from 135th in 2017, putting it in the same position as… Read more »

Disinformation’s ‘acute and strategic challenge for democratic systems’


  With European Union elections closing in, EU leaders are calling for measures to tackle the deliberate spread of disinformation, Associated Press reports. “The spread of deliberate, large-scale, and systematic… Read more »