Search Results for: Bolivia

Defending against the weaponization of corruption


  Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is facing one of the worst coronavirus epidemics in the world, an ongoing corruption investigation, and a procession of ministers deserting his cabinet. To top… Read more »

Disinformation poses ‘existential threat’ to democracy


  Disinformation and democracy — Democracy Digest (@demdigest) June 30, 2020 Online disinformation poses an “existential threat” to democracy, according to a cross-party group of peers from the UK’s… Read more »

Is the West losing the fight for democracy?


Coronavirus-related pressures are having a detrimental effect on democracies around the world, argues Steven Feldstein, a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor. “Pandemic-fueled… Read more »

Covid-19 exposing liberal order’s instabilities and weaknesses


The embeddedness of liberal democracies in an interdependent world characterized by relatively free cross-border flows of goods, services, assets and people has amplified the virulent effects of highly contagious deadly… Read more »

Autocratization surges, resistance grows


As autocratization accelerates, democratic resistance against this trend is growing, according to new V-Dem Institute data. For the first time since 2001, autocracies became a majority of the world’s political… Read more »