Search Results for: democratic erosion

Cambodia, Vietnam highlight ‘troubling reality of Southeast Asia’s democratic recession’


  The Trump administration announced Wednesday it will restrict visas for Cambodians “undermining democracy” in the Southeast Asian nation following the dissolution of the main opposition party and a crackdown… Read more »

Testing Latin America’s democratic resilience


Latin America is about to embark on an extended series of critical electoral contests that will tell us a lot about the state of democracy in the region, notes Ted… Read more »

What democratic West needs for resilience and renewal


If the West engages in the world’s struggles without a geo-strategic concept, chaos will reign, according to Dr Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. “Vladimir… Read more »

New ‘global hub’ to wage battle of ideas for democratic renewal


The geopolitical retreat of the West, the authoritarian resurgence, the erosion of belief in democratic values, and the loss of faith in the efficacy of democratic institutions have halted democratic… Read more »

Serbia’s elections: what about democratic values?


The victory of Prime Minster Aleksandar Vucic’s Progressive Party in Serbia’s election enables the government to continue with its proposed reform and fiscal consolidation agenda, Fitch Ratings says. But the… Read more »

Global Erosion of Democracy – 2016 Transformation Index


The 2016 Transformation Index BTI of the German Bertelsmann Stiftung ranks 74 out of 129 developing countries as democracies—the highest level since the survey was developed. This fact, however, belies… Read more »