Search Results for: democratic recession

Cambodia’s Descent: ruling party was ‘never committed to genuine democratic process’


  The United States has called on Cambodia to reverse steps that “backtracked on democracy” before a general election next year, Reuters reports: “We are advising that these steps that… Read more »

Losing faith in the democratic ideal?


What accounts for the troubled condition of liberal democracy today? Marc F. Plattner asks in the latest issue of The Journal of Democracy: Standard explanations cite factors such as slowing… Read more »

Globally, broad support for democracy, but many endorse nondemocratic alternatives


  Emboldened autocrats and rising populists have shaken assumptions about the future trajectory of liberal democracy, both in nations where it has yet to flourish and countries where it seemed… Read more »

Asian democrats can help fill vacuum on democratic renewal


It is too early to know if the current democratic recession represents a blip or something more malignant, says a leading expert. “But the recession is certainly deepening,” Stanford University’s… Read more »

‘Multiple paths’ out of democratic regression


With many democracies sliding further and further toward authoritarianism, NPR’s Ari Shapiro talks with Larry Diamond of Stanford University about the global democratic recession. “The whole spectrum of regimes in… Read more »

‘Strongman trades trump democratic deficits’: why are illiberal democrats popular?


Poland’s tightening grip on its judiciary has prompted nationwide protests and threats of European sanctions, but its asset prices and currency have soared this year as they have in plenty… Read more »

Autocrats excel at anti-democratic propaganda


In contrast to inward-leaning democracies, which have an “End of History” sense of complacency, today’s autocrats are vibrant internationalists in the ideas sphere, notes Christopher Walker, vice president for studies… Read more »

Autocracies fear ‘existential threat’ of democratic contagion


Think of two significant trend lines in the world today, writes Brookings analyst Robert Kagan. One is the increasing ambition and activism of the two great revisionist powers, Russia and… Read more »