Search Results for: Bolivia

Pervasive protests affirm civic activism, but carry serious risks


People all over the world are resorting to mass demonstrations to express grievances and press unmet demands, notes Aryeh Neier, President Emeritus of the Open Society Foundations and a founder… Read more »

‘Good Governance’ Promotion: Avoid state capture, enhance resilience


On Oct. 20, Bolivian President Evo Morales will go to the polls in search of a fourth term. Victory would extend his time in office to almost two decades, and… Read more »

Latin America’s democratic resilience: institutional innovation beats populism


The resilience of democracy in Latin America is impressive, notes Javier Corrales, a professor of political science at Amherst College, and author of “Fixing Democracy: Why Constitutional Change Often Fails… Read more »

Liberal democracy’s weaknesses pulling it apart?


Brazil’s election, along with the rest of the populist trend, represents something more disruptive than a single wave with a single point of origin. Research suggests it exemplifies weaknesses and… Read more »

Human rights abuses: mavericks needed to counter rogues & enablers


  The survival of the rules-based global order is at greater risk than at any previous point in the 21st century, with ominous implications for democracy and human rights in… Read more »

Corroding Latin America’s largest democracy ‘from the inside out’


An authoritarian-seeming partial outsider who praised the country’s military dictatorship, rejects some rules of the democratic game and threatens to undermine citizen’s rights has won the first round of the Brazilian… Read more »

‘Panideological’ assault on Latin American human rights


The trend of declining adherence to and respect for the Inter-American System of Human Rights continues and expands – and across the political and ideological spectrum, according to Global Americans’… Read more »

Cuba – ‘the worst kind of dictatorship’ – denies entry to ex-presidents


Former Colombian President Andres Pastrana and ex-Bolivian President Jorge Quiroga said they were denied entry to Cuba on Wednesday, after traveling to the Communist-run island to receive an award from… Read more »

50 years on, exposing The Che Guevara Myth


In the 50 years since his death, Ernesto “Che” Guevara has grown into a mythical figure for leftists around the world. As one of the heroes of Fidel Castro’s Cuban… Read more »