Search Results for: democratic erosion

Has the COVID pandemic really ‘strengthened global democracy’?


Fears of COVID-19’s damaging impact on democracy were overstated, argues one observer. But whether you call it democratic erosion, democratic breakdown, or de-democratization, the pre-existing condition remains a threat, others… Read more »

How Covid-19 may ’embed’ the new authoritarianism


The Covid-19 pandemic has been talked of as a historical rupture, igniting system change. Yet, the nature of the new world being born is still far from certain, and this… Read more »

Democracy must not become pandemic’s ‘silent victim’


As governments adopt extraordinary measures to combat Covid-19, it is vital to ensure democracy does not become the silent victim of the pandemic, some 28 global leaders caution in an… Read more »

Democracies vulnerable to crisis: Covid exacerbates weaknesses, says BTI


The COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate the very weaknesses that have marked the democratic erosion of the last decade in most of the 137 developing and transformation countries examined in the… Read more »

The rapidly deteriorating quality of democracy in Latin America


While some of Latin America’s democracies, such as Uruguay and Costa Rica, are among the best in the world, others — for example, Brazil — have experienced democratic erosion in… Read more »