Call for Proposals – Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum


The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) Secretariat is launching a 2nd Call for Proposals in order to support projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that… Read more »

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The revenge of history: authoritarian narratives


Some 25 years after the Cold War, passions grounded in history are increasingly an essential feature of international relations, and dangerously so, argues Bruno Tertrais, a Senior Research Fellow at… Read more »

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Democracy’s continuing struggles


  After the end of the Cold War, experts who closely studied trends in democratization believed that democracy was destined to sweep the globe. But predictions of democratic triumph did… Read more »

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Civil resistance in the Arab Spring: what went wrong?


The overriding lesson of the abortive Arab Spring is that getting rid of a dictatorial and corrupt ruler is not enough. Building democratic institutions, and restoring confidence in a flawed… Read more »

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Tunisia’s democratic experiment ‘still up for grabs’?


Thousands gathered in Tunisia’s capital Thursday to mark the fifth anniversary of the uprising that inspired the Arab Spring. Tunisians thronged Habib Bourguiba Avenue, the main thoroughfare in central Tunis… Read more »

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As Pink Tide recedes, U.S. should support Latin American democracy


 With Latin American voters turning away from their populist leaders, many speculate that the “pink tide” that has pushed the region to the left over the last 15 years is now… Read more »

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The Algerian Conundrum: Authoritarian State, Democratic Society


Algeria is facing deepening domestic uncertainty as collapsing oil revenues and tensions across the region threaten its hard-won stability. Adding to the concern are questions about the ability of the… Read more »

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Turkey Divided and Conquered: How the AKP Regained Power


The landslide victory of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey’s November 1 election came as a shock to many, notes a new report from the Bipartisan Policy Center…. Read more »

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