Search Results for: democratic erosion

World has more but weaker democracies: Backsliding ‘a growing malaise,’ report says


“Despite the continued quantitative increase in the world’s democracies, the quality of the world’s democracies is eroding,” the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) concludes in its… Read more »

Democracy doomsayers question causes of backsliding


Are the causes of democratic erosion the same in the advanced liberal democracies as seen in Venezuela, Hungary, Turkey, Spain before the Spanish Civil War, and Germany and Italy before… Read more »

Defending Democracy: Lessons for renewal?


In the face of democratic erosion and decay, do other countries’ experiences offer lessons on securing a route to democratic renewal? Defending Democracy: Lessons from Around the World is a… Read more »

Dreamocracy? Six ideas for rejuvenating democracy


In recent years some European states have suffered dramatic regression, while others have experienced more subtle forms of democratic erosion. In response to this challenge, new European Commission President Ursula… Read more »

The Global State of Democracy 2019: Addressing the Ills, Reviving the Promise


Is democracy broken? Vox’s Sean illing asks. Harvard politics professor Daniel Ziblatt, co-author (along with Steven Levitsky) of 2018’s How Democracies Die, explains why democracies collapse, what norms are most essential… Read more »

Countering Political Polarization: What Has Been Tried? What Works?


  By Thomas Carothers and Andrew O’Donohue* Severe political polarization is tearing at the seams of democracies around the world, from Brazil, India, and Kenya to Poland, Turkey, and the… Read more »

How to save constitutional democracy


Democracies can collapse or erode beyond repair, but they can also suffer substantial yet “non-fatal” deterioration in the quality of democratic institutions, and then experience a rebound, according to Tom… Read more »

The End of the End of History? What Is To Be Done?


  Is it time to declare the end of the end of history? Are we witnessing the exhaustion, or tragic collapse, of the once-vital liberal tradition that supported our politics,… Read more »