Search Results for: disinformation

How to talk with Russia – ‘rethinking the old freedom brand’


So far, Western statesmen, editors, and journalists have responded to Russian propaganda defensively: pointing out lies, rebuffing accusations, disclosing hidden motives, and demonstrating the ugliness of the Russian regime. But… Read more »

Time to start shredding Putin Playbook


Social media platforms are failing to make the changes that would help curb online disinformation and fake news despite the efforts made since the 2016 US presidential election exposed the… Read more »

Democracies need bipartisan, holistic response to Russian ‘full spectrum’ operations


Vladimir Putin doesn’t tweet and he claims he doesn’t have a smartphone. But he has something likely more important than gadgets — long experience in the KGB and its post-Soviet… Read more »

China’s digital totalitarian state enjoying a ‘golden field for propaganda’


  A “shocking new report” from Canada’s intelligence service cites China’s domestically-focused propaganda as an example of the “total” information warfare posing an existential threat to Western democratic pluralism. Ever… Read more »

Total information warfare an ‘existential threat’ to Western pluralism


In a “shocking new report,” the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) is warning that the spread of disinformation online poses an existential threat to “Western democratic pluralism,” according to The… Read more »

‘Social Media as Information Warfare’: countering adversary threats to democratic institutions


One hour after news broke about the school shooting in Florida last week, Twitter accounts suspected of having links to Russia released hundreds of posts taking up the gun control debate, The… Read more »

How to counter China and Russia’s game of distortion


  In the immediate aftermath of the horrific mass shooting at a Florida high school on Wednesday, an army of fake accounts began pumping out disinformation on Twitter using the #ParklandShooting hashtag, Wired reports,… Read more »

Social media aids Putin’s ‘postmodern war against the West’


In a rare move, some members of the British Parliament are traveling to Washington this week to question Facebook, Google and Twitter about fake news and the spread of misinformation on… Read more »