Search Results for: disinformation

‘Global league’ of democracies needed to counter cyberthreats


  A global league of liberal democracies is needed to protect against cyberthreats, says Toomas Hendrik Ilves, president of Estonia from 2006-2016 and a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover… Read more »

A democratic antidote to Russia’s information warfare


Russia is employing information warfare to exploit social divisions and tragedies such as the Las Vegas mass shooting, Aaron Aupperlee writes for the Tribune-Review: The Alliance for Securing Democracy, an… Read more »

How to stop Russian propaganda winning the information war


The Russians who posed as Americans on Facebook last year tried on quite an array of disguises. There was “Defend the 2nd,” a Facebook page for gun-rights supporters, festooned with… Read more »

Time for the West to ‘get real’ about Ukraine


Officials in the central Ukrainian city of Cherkasy say a municipal councilor has been shot dead just hours after the broadcast of a television interview he gave about corruption within… Read more »

How to defend against Russia’s information warfare


Poland, like many European countries, has been targeted by Russian propagandists with disinformation campaigns. Experts say the effort is aimed at the country’s political discussion. They say many false accounts were opened… Read more »

Liberal democracies particularly vulnerable to information warfare


The joint Russian-Belarusian military exercise ‘Zapad 2017’ is a form of information warfare, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė told the United Nations General Assembly in New York. “The Kremlin is rehearsing… Read more »

Why foreign propaganda is more dangerous now


A new nonpartisan group launched on Tuesday aims to inform Americans about the “grave” national security threat posed by Russia’s ongoing interference in U.S. affairs, The Hill reports: The Committee to… Read more »

How (not) to wage information warfare: Russia ‘using democracy to undermine democracy’


Like many media experts in Europe, Tetiana Popova worries that Russia is turning free speech against the West and using democratic information tools such as Twitter as weapons in a… Read more »

RT, Sputnik and Russia’s New Theory of War


  The Kremlin has developed one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century — and it may be impossible to stop, notes Jim Rutenberg, The New York… Read more »