Search Results for: disinformation

Russia ‘weaponizing misinformation’ to ‘disable’ western democracy


Russia is using cyber-hacks and “weaponizing misinformation” to undermine the West, the U.K. warned today. “Today we see a country that, in weaponizing misinformation, has created what we might now… Read more »

How the forward march of democracy was halted


Twenty-five years after the end of the Cold War, and of the apparent triumph of American values and power, U.S. policymakers now confront the very basic question of which values… Read more »

Russian people will be ‘biggest beneficiary’ of sanctions


Populism is on the rise across Europe, often with help from Russian propaganda, analysts Dalibor Rohac, Edit Zgut and Lóránt Győri argue in a new AEI briefing. Western democracies have… Read more »

Bipartisan initiative aimed at countering Russian hostilities


A bipartisan group of U.S. senators today introduced a bill Tuesday that would increase sanctions against Russia, VOA reports. The sanctions bill, dubbed the “Countering Russian Hostilities Act of 2017,”… Read more »

Russia’s information warfare – strategic ‘social engineering’


Russia’s ongoing information warfare against Western democracies goes well beyond hacking, according to leading expert. “It’s political engineering, social engineering on a strategic level,” said Thomas Rid, a professor of… Read more »

Democracies in a new global competition of ideas


Moscow has made information and asymmetrical warfare central to its foreign and military policy, analyst Fareed Zakaria writes for The Washington Post: The idea of information warfare is not new…. Read more »

Why US-Russia spat is not a return to the cold war


After the cold war ended, the competition in ideas stopped, notes Peter Pomerantsev, author of ‘Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible.’ There was only one democratic capitalist model out… Read more »

How Putin does it: well-trained in ideological warfare


Cold War notions of “fake news” and “Soviet-style propaganda” are back in style, except now people say them about shiny new concepts such as cyberattacks and WikiLeaks. Whether or not… Read more »