Search Results for: disinformation

Eight threats to Europe’s democracies


Europe’s democracies face deeper problems than Brexit or the sometimes creaky, sometimes overbearing machinery of European governance, argues George Weigel, the Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington’s Ethics and Public Policy… Read more »

How to counter autocrats’ soft power


A new global “soft power” ranking recently reported that the democratic states of North America and Western Europe were the most successful at achieving their diplomatic objectives “through attraction and… Read more »

Russia – poster child for electoral authoritarianism


Russia is the poster child for a type of governance termed electoral, or competitive, authoritarianism, analysts Erik C. Nisbet and Elizabeth Stoycheff write for The Washington Post: These autocratic governments… Read more »

Gay Cuban journalist dismissed, as Farinas hunger strike continues


A gay Cuban journalist and activist says he was fired from a government-run radio station because he worked with independent media, The Washington Blade reports: Maykel González Vivero (left) hosted… Read more »

US investigating Russian plan to subvert November elections


U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election… Read more »

What is Putin up to in Ukraine?


Escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine are reflected in their media, with claims that both sides are trying to take advantage of alleged Ukrainian armed incursions in Crimea, the BBC… Read more »

Winning the Information War: Techniques and Counter-Strategies to Russian Propaganda


  As revisionist, autocratic states like Russia sharpen their use—and abuse—of disinformation, liberal democracies are failing to keep pace, says a new report by Peter Pomerantsev, Senior Fellow to the… Read more »

West shows Ukraine fatigue, Putin wages hybrid war


  Even a brief analysis of the accusations being made by Russia against NATO shows that Moscow’s characterization of NATO as a hostile and dangerous organization has long been based… Read more »

China, Russia ‘reshaping the rules of the game’ on media, elections, civil society


U.S  policy towards Russia should be “based on a hard calculation of national interests and an unsentimental, non-ideological assessment of how Russia might help us advance or thwart our goals,”… Read more »