Search Results for: Africa governance

Democracies vulnerable to crisis: Covid exacerbates weaknesses, says BTI


The COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate the very weaknesses that have marked the democratic erosion of the last decade in most of the 137 developing and transformation countries examined in the… Read more »

Quality of democracy reaches new low – but ‘glimmers of hope’


The quality of democracy, market economy and governance reached its lowest level since 2004 when the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Transformation Index (BTI) was first published, it reported today. Limits on freedom… Read more »

When elections hurt democracy


The Algerian government has begun investigating the funding of media organizations and news sources that it claims are using foreign funding to promote anti-government and anti-reform content. The authorities have… Read more »

‘Dynamism Despite Disruption’: Will pandemic undercut or rejuvenate civil society


In many countries, restrictive laws already had been squeezing civil society before the Covid-19 crisis hit. The pandemic provides a convenient cover for governments to further tilt the balance of power… Read more »

Is China winning? Covid-19 a ‘unique stress test’ of political resilience


Like an asteroid, coronavirus is the textbook example of an exogenous shock. The threat came from beyond. Yet the pathogen offers a unique stress test of each country’s resilience, argues… Read more »

‘Viral Authoritarianism’? COVID-19 turns spotlight on democratic erosion


Seoul’s decision to hold the April 15 polls in the middle of a pandemic highlights South Korea’s status as a beacon of democracy in Asia. It stands in stark contrast… Read more »

Coronavirus: Stress test or silver lining for democracy?


Whereas democracies operate on consensus, autocrats react with sweeping measures threatening the rule of law. Who is better prepared for the COVID-19 crisis? Deutsche Welle asks: Austrian democracy researcher Tamara… Read more »

After COVID-19, democracies should forge ‘alliance innovation’


How the U.S. manages—or mismanages—the coronavirus pandemic will determine not only the long-term resilience of our economy but also our ability to compete, lead and protect American interests globally, say… Read more »

Democracy in the age of COVID-19: Regression, resilience or ‘radical uncertainty’?


  As the coronavirus pandemic grips the world, leaders are enacting special powers in this time of crisis. Augusta University political science professor Craig Albert discusses the long-lasting impact on… Read more »

Global struggle for democracy ‘lacking leadership’


The past twelve months registered the 14th consecutive year of decline in global freedom, according to Freedom in the World 2020, the latest survey of political rights and civil liberties… Read more »