Search Results for: resilience

1989: A reminder of democracy’s fragility and resilience


Three decades ago this fall, a political earthquake rocked the barrier that had divided Europe and the city of Berlin for nearly five decades. The so-called Autumn of Nations saw… Read more »

Revitalize political parties to improve democratic resilience


Revitalizing political parties would serve to both improve democratic accountability and democratic resilience, argues Wilson Center scholar Patrick Liddiard. Parties themselves have the biggest opportunity to halt their own decline… Read more »

Can democratic resilience overcome populist polarization?


Political polarization is “tearing at the seams of democracy” around the world, according to Thomas Carothers, Carnegie senior vice president for studies. What can be done to overcome polarization and… Read more »

Why the world needs the West: Democratic resilience & renewal


The main error of liberal internationalism is that its advocates have mistaken an aspiration for reality, and by so doing have gotten a basic chunk of causality exactly backwards, argues… Read more »

How to cultivate democratic resilience


  Democracies around the world are combating Russian election interference, a new report observes. Some of these countries have dealt with this interference better than others, and there are important… Read more »

Capitalism vs democracy: Europe’s hard problem – or source of resilience?


Modern Europe’s political structure is based on the supposition that capitalism and democracy can be compatible – so the most urgent challenge of our times is reconciling the two, argues… Read more »

Exporting digital authoritarianism: How to build democratic resilience


As Russia, China, and other states advance influence through forms of digital authoritarianism, stronger responses are needed from the U.S. and like-minded partners to limit the effects of their efforts,… Read more »

Models for democratic renewal & resilience in an age of uncertainty


Why and how do authoritarian leaders gain popular support? In his book, Threat to Democracy: The Appeal of Authoritarianism in an Age of Uncertainty, social psychologist Fathali M. Moghaddam argues that… Read more »

Fostering open societies’ resilience to digital vulnerabilities


“They took your data. Then they took control.” The Great Hack, a new Netflix documentary exposes the dark underside of data exploitation through the personal odysseys of protagonists in the… Read more »