Search Results for: resilience

Identifying sources of democratic resilience and renewal


Authoritarianism has reemerged as the greatest threat to the liberal democratic world, and we have no idea how to confront it, Robert Kagan wrote in the first edition of The… Read more »

Building democratic resilience against disinformation and populism


Building democratic resilience against disinformation and populism requires additional awareness from policy makers, according to a new report. The impact of disinformation and strategic political propaganda disseminated through online social… Read more »

‘Rethinking Democracy’: designing strategies for resilience and renewal


It is easy to be complacent about democracy, to imagine that it has become permanent and irreversible. But in politics nothing is guaranteed to last for ever, and what seems… Read more »

A new strategy to build resilience to extremism’s corrosive ideology


Extremism is enabled by the belief that existing indignities and suffering are the direct result of poor, undemocratic, or predatory governance, notes a new analysis. This sense of injustice aligns… Read more »

Building resilience in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova: Russia’s threat to civil society


Encouraging the creation of a cadre of ‘active citizens’ in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova will help increase social cohesion and build ‘cognitive resilience’ to malign Russian influence from the ground… Read more »

Latin America’s democratic resilience: institutional innovation beats populism


The resilience of democracy in Latin America is impressive, notes Javier Corrales, a professor of political science at Amherst College, and author of “Fixing Democracy: Why Constitutional Change Often Fails… Read more »

What Comes Next? Resilience lessons for liberal democracy’s renewal


Are there lessons for renewal from democracies that have faced executive degradation of pre-weakened democratic institutions, particularly countries with polarized populations? In What Comes Next? Lessons for the Recovery of Liberal Democracy, a report… Read more »

Resilience and renewal: time to update democracy?


At the 22nd edition of the Forum 2000 that was held in early October in Prague it was clear that democracy defenders from around the world are increasingly uneasy, writes analyst Andreas… Read more »

Resilience the key to winning normative war with Russia


Is Russia succeeding in destroying American democracy, as one Washington Post columnist suggests? Much of the global conversation around “fake news” has centered on the United States. Yet it increasingly… Read more »