Search Results for: venezuela

Disinformation poses ‘existential threat’ to democracy


  Disinformation and democracy — Democracy Digest (@demdigest) June 30, 2020 Online disinformation poses an “existential threat” to democracy, according to a cross-party group of peers from the UK’s… Read more »

Democratic resilience: explaining stability and fragility


Democracies are better equipped to cope with crises like the current Covid-19 pandemic and at less risk of institutional breakdown than many commentators believe, new research suggests. Comparisons of the… Read more »

‘Facing the Fight’: Journalism without Fear or Favor


Amid a worldwide fight against the novel coronavirus, the National Press Club and the National Press Club Journalism Institute are joining people around the globe in commemorating World Press Freedom Day… Read more »

Democracies vulnerable to crisis: Covid exacerbates weaknesses, says BTI


The COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate the very weaknesses that have marked the democratic erosion of the last decade in most of the 137 developing and transformation countries examined in the… Read more »