Search Results for: venezuela

Autocrats present liberal democracies with an ideological challenge


The remote northern Russian region of Komi is a coronavirus petri dish for the horrors lying in wait for the world’s largest country. Amid growing evidence that the pathogen had… Read more »

Avoiding authoritarian pitfalls during Covid-19 crisis


  The political effects of the Covid-19 crisis are likely to be profound, Stanford political scientist Larry Diamond writes for the Atlantic Monthly: In the medium to long run, the… Read more »

Lost decade for Third Wave democracies?


  Popular support for democracy was dwindling even in the decade before expert surveys (such as Freedom in the World and V-Dem) began to show the reality of democratic retreat,… Read more »

Autocratization poses challenge for democracy assistance strategies


Illiberals are neither fully committed to civil liberties – such as freedom of expression, assembly and association – and the rule of law, nor totally devoted to the institutions that… Read more »

‘Networks of impunity’ for kleptocrats’ malign activities


Kleptocrats regularly exploit Europe’s financial system, according to a new report. In the decade since the global financial crisis, dozens of money laundering schemes linked to corrupt, abusive regimes have come… Read more »

Competitive authoritarianism ‘inching westward’


In the nineteen-thirties, authoritarian regimes were on the rise around the world—as they are again today—and democratic governments that came into existence after the First World War were toppling. “American… Read more »

How to target the Cubazuela axis


  Cuban civil society and human rights activists are expressing concern over the fate of former political prisoner Rolando Rodriguez Lobaina. Four days ago, the freelance journalist and human rights… Read more »

Why democracy is good for you — and vice versa


Midnight military coups and backroom deals did not bring strongmen to power in former democracies that have joined the ranks of the world’s autocracies. Everyday frustrations over high health-care costs,… Read more »